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Ryerson School of Journalism
Rene St. Gelais is a hockey mom. With her three kids in hockey, she spends most of her nights and weekends at the rink. But, this isn't unusual in the town of Stouffville, Ontario. Hockey is a lifestyle for most families in this town.
Nicole created this documentary alongside four of her classmates as part of the TV documentary course at Ryerson University. Nicole reported, wrote the script, conducted the interviews and helped shoot the video (premiered on November 27, 2018).

Demo Reels

Multimedia Journalist and Anchor
CTV Calgary
NOVEMBER 2020 - JUNE 2022
Weekend Anchor and Reporter
CTV Saskatoon
Video Journalist
CTV Saskatoon
APRIL 2019 - DECEMBER 2019
Video Journalist
CTV Northern Ontario
MARCH 2019 - APRIL 2019
Reporter and News Intern
CTV Saskatoon
Floor Director
CHIN Radio and Television
Music Director
MARCH 2016 - MARCH 2019
Radio Host and Producer
Report on breaking news and other major issues in Calgary and surrounding areas. Pitch and chase stories of local importance. Shoot, write, voice and edit stories for multiple newscasts. Perform live hits in the field. Write in-depth web articles to accompany TV stories. Backfill anchor.
Produced and anchored the 6 and 11:30 p.m. newscasts each weekend. Assigned stories and provided editorial guidance to the weekend reporter. Presented weather on the green screen. Worked as a video journalist during the week, pitching, writing and editing original stories for TV and web.
Covered a wide range of stories from breaking news, court and city council to features. Delivered live hits both in the field and in-studio. Wrote, vetted and posted articles on the CTV Saskatoon website. Backfill anchored for multiple broadcasts. Helped cover the 2020 provincial and municipal elections.
Worked as one of two reporters in the Sault Ste. Marie bureau. Pitched, researched and developed original local news and feature stories for multiple newscasts. Filed for web. Established and maintained contacts in the community. Operated ENG equipment.
Pitched local news stories on a daily basis. Set up and conducted interviews. Gained experience writing, editing and reporting for TV and web. Covered stories with a local connection to the New Zealand terrorist attacks and China's ban on canola imports.
Floor directed CHIN TV's two-hour live Italian variety show which aired weekly on Citytv. Maintained order on the floor and gave cues to the hosts. Mic'd the hosts and guests in addition to setting up the studio prior to the broadcast. Announced contest winners live on the air and occasionally hosted segments.
Corresponded with record labels and artists from across Canada and the U.S. Put together CJRU's weekly top 30 chart. Reviewed and added new music to the station's music library. Wrote, edited and posted album and concert reviews on the CJRU website.
Created, produced and hosted a live, hour-long radio show with a focus on Toronto's arts and culture scene. Conducted interviews in-studio with Canadian artists, bands, actors and directors. Edited audio using Audacity and Adobe Audition.

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